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デザイナー:ヤン・ファン・デル・ファールト (Jan
■ van der Vaart)
製造:マッカム (Oar Work Makkum)
刻印:Oar Work Makkum & design: jan vd vaart
寸法:12 x 9cm 高さ18.5cm 550g
#littlenordic北欧 #北欧 #北欧ヴィンテージ #ヴィンテージ
#Nordic #Dutch #modernism #Ceramic
Johannes Jacobus (Jan) van der Vaart belongs
■ to the first generation of ceramicists to inspire a renaissance of post-war
■ ceramics in the Netherlands with simple and sober lines, often sloping surfaces, based on Bauhaus tradition. His geometric, abstract vision fit in De Stijl related architecture, which
■ expressed clarity and simplicity. Consistent with Nordic Modernism, he believed that decoration detracts from the power of his work.
As a professor at the Rietveld Academy, Van der Vaart exerted great influence to inspire many Dutch ceramicists. With distinctive character, his influence on the development of Dutch ceramics can be clearly
■ traced.
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