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SAMYANG AF 85mm F1.4 EF マクロレンズ
■ (for Canon)
Samyang Camera Lens
I rarely use it so I"m putting out on sale.
Lowepro pouch, lens front ang back cover(canon/sigma)
*Only the items shown in the photo are included.
There is some scratches on the cover only
*Please check マクロレンズ the photos for details.
There are no factors that affect the shooting.
The optics is very clean
■ I see
■ no dust, scratches,fogs, fungus etc..
The SAMYANG AF 85mmF1.4 EF is a portrait
■ standard lens with an 85mm F1.4 aperture in a compact and マクロレンズ lightweight body. In addition to the beautiful bokeh of F1.4, the linear マクロレンズ motor
■ provides fast and accurate autofocus. SAMYANG"s unique Ultra Multi マクロレンズ Coating (UMC) ensures clear images. The lens
■ is weather sealed to protect it from splashes and cold.
■ Canon EF mount
Focal length: 71-150mm
Maximum aperture: ~1.4
カテゴリーテレビ・オーディオ・カメラ > カメラ > レンズアクセサリー > レンズケースブランドサムヤン商品の状態やや傷や汚れあり発送元の地域滋賀県
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ご購入後はノークレーム・ノーリターン・ノーキャンセ おどろおどろしい。