【 明日15:00 】 までのご注文で翌日お届けに対応。
定休日のご注文は翌営業日の発送となります。(定休日:日曜日, 祝日)
Yatate, an antique old fashioned handy pencil case with
■ ink bottle. This is a shell pieces 車種 decorated, approximately 220mm length, with 40mm dia. of cap and 31mm dia. of bottom of ink bottle, max 18mm dia. and 12mm dia. of the body and total 154g weight excluding
■ pen(this item has no pen). The body has several tiny defects. The biggest one is on the body, see the photo No. 9 shows a deficit of body surface, approximately 16mm
■ length and 10mm width.
カテゴリーホビー・楽器・アート > 美術品・アンティーク・コレクション > 工芸品商品の状態傷や汚れあり発送元の地域兵庫県