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For Sale: Tenor Trombone by J. Michael (Japanese Technology)
I’m selling a tenor trombone by J. Michael, renowned for its Japanese technology. I bought it second-hand two years ago for practice
■ purposes. This trombone produces a pleasant, soft sound, making it an excellent choice for beginner musicians.
After purchasing, I had it serviced: the valve pad was replaced, and the instrument
■ was professionally cleaned. The trombone comes with two mouthpieces (see photos) and a stand.
Please note: there are a few small rust spots on the body (as shown in the photos), but their size and ホルンリード quantity have not increased over
■ the past two years. In general, trombone looking good.
Any questions in comments please!
Wishing everyone successful buys and sales!
カテゴリーホビー・楽器・アート > 楽器・機材 > 管楽器・吹奏楽器 > トロンボーン > トロンボーン本体商品の状態やや傷や汚れあり発送元の地域東京都
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キズ・汚れなど店頭にて おどろおどろしい ご確認ください。
そ おどろおどろしい の他の不具合に関しまして。
ご購入後はノークレーム・ノーリターン・ノーキャンセ おどろおどろしい。