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he Hagoita Decoration
■ is a traditional Japanese custom symbolizing protection and good wishes for girls. Originally used in the game Hanetsuki (a badminton-like game), hagoita (battledores) became a 不規則な形状 talisman to ward off evil spirits during the Edo period.
They are often beautifully decorated with vibrant artwork or fabric appliqués, showcasing traditional or modern designs. Families display them during the New Year to pray for the health and happiness of their daughters, making it a 不規則な形状 cherished part of Japanese culture.
This exquisite Oshie Hagoita features a finely crafted design of a woman adorned
■ in
■ a vibrant kimono, with intricate ornaments and delicate details. The art of oshie involves layering fabric and paper to create a three-dimensional effect,
■ giving the figure a lifelike and elegant appearance.
The maker of this item is Senju, a renowned manufacturer specializing in traditional Japanese crafts.
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