【 明日15:00 】 までのご注文で翌日お届けに対応。
定休日のご注文は翌営業日の発送となります。(定休日:日曜日, 祝日)
/"Sara LG/" is an original high-quality health supplement for horses. Contains lactose fructose oligosaccharide and glucomannan, which improves エンドテーブル the health of horses from the intestine and is expected to have various effects. It can be used to support the growth and health of not only active horses, but also breeding mares, breeding horses, and resting horses. All products are made in Japan and are safe and additive-free. Since its release エンドテーブル in 1998,
■ it has been trusted by everyone and has a proven track record of over 20 years. Domestically,
■ horses are paid mainly at JRA training centers and エンドテーブル
■ nearby breeding farms, and overseas as well, they are highly
■ rated and paid in the UK and Ireland, the birthplace of horse racing.
カテゴリーペット用品 > メモリアル用品 > その他商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域千葉県