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Champion REVERSE WEAVE Unisex Hooded Sweatshirt, Windproof, Water Repellent, Heat セーター
■ Retention, Moisturizing, One Point Logo
Size M
Unisex (woman’s/men’s)
Reverse weave comfort evolution with improveo breathability to prevent
■ cold wind and reduce stuffiness caused by sweat.
Champion STORSHELL (R) ADOVANCE is a functional material developed by Champion with its セーター proprietary DuPontm Solona (R) fiber that has increased
■ elasticity than previous models.
Prevents body temperature from dropping due to cold wind and sweat, and the /"Thermolite
■ (R) fabric/" セーター on the skin increases セーター heat retention. The water
■ repellent surface repels water for added comfort and support during active outdoor activities.
100% cotton
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