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I had to try the Super light. What a great mouse! My kills in CS GO went up 25% just
■ from the grip alone! The mouse never misses a beat and works flawlessly. The
■ wireless literally lasts 2 weeks before charging (5 hour use Mon-Fri, 16-20 hours on the weekend). The mouse is light and the general shape is better for me than the Model 光学マウス D 光学マウス even though I have fairly big hands (10 x 20).
The only negative thing are the side buttons, which are slightly mushy and really need to be bigger. IF they were the same size as the Model D, we
■ would have the perfect mouse.
If you are on the
■ fence about getting one, just buy it.
ブランド Logicool G(ロジクール G)
色 レッド
接続技術 無線
特徴 軽量, ワイヤレス
ムーブメント検出技術 光学
ボタンの数 6
カテゴリースマホ・タブレット・パソコン > PC周辺機器 > マウス・トラックボール > マウス本体ブランドロジクール商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域大阪府