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- タイトル: 9H ON RIGOR
- 出版社: The MIT Press
- 著者: Hermann Czech
In this book 完結漫画 selected contemporary architects and critics focus on the theme of rigor in architecture. They investigate the difficulties in sustaining 完結漫画 the clarity of a design idea from its inception to
■ the
■ final details and the corresponding difficulty the critic has in tracing this process. A project section includes the work of emerging practitioners from Europe and the United States. The book concludes with a section on the work of Eileen Gray and Heinrich Tessenow. Translations of writings
■ by the two architects are included, notably
■ Tessenow"s book Of House Building and Such Things along with appraisals of their projects by commissioned authors. Distributed for the
■ 9H Gallery.
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